Sarri to meet with Napoli president De Laurentiis on Wednesday, release clause expires on May 22

The question of whether Maurizio Sarri stays at Napoli or moves on after this season could be decided in a meeting between Sarri and Napoli president Aurelio De Laurentiis on Wednesday. The release clause in Sarri's contract for €8m expires on May 22, not at the end of the month. The 22nd therefore will be an important date, and it intensifies the pressure on whoever is interested in paying the fee to trigger the clause to take Sarri away from Naples. But first, Sarri will meet the club's president to work out together the possibility to continue an agreement that has lasted nearly three years, including a second place finish while obtaining a club record 88 points to date this Serie A season.

On Napoli's transfer radar is a name who has been a target for some time, Sime Vrsaljko. Napoli tried to land the Atletico Madrid fullback in January, but were turned down by the Spanish club. They are getting set to try again in the summer.

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