Roma, Di Francesco: "We must try to do a positive result, no matter what. It would give us a lot of enthusiasm and strength to my team"

Best attack against best defense. Second against the fourth: Juventus-Roma will be an indicative game for what comes next in Serie A. Not yet decisive but could have a lot of answers as has said Di Francesco in press conference: "The game is prepared like an important one, that has a lot of value, also psychologically. We must have a positive result no matter what, even if we'll play in a difficult stadium; we shouldn't change our mentality we've acquired in the last months. The result determines a lot of talks and judgements but what interests me is that a result in Turin would give a lot of enthusiasm and strength to my team. Allegri has said we're among the favorites for the Scudetto? I must thank him, he's giving us a compliment and think of us as a strong opponent. He's a strong coach under every aspect. Who would I remove at Juventus? I'd say Higuain who's lethal. Mandzukic too, because he can work on changing the other team's balance when they have to defend. It will be a nice duel with Florenzi. Dzeko? He really wants to score that goal that's missing for some time, we've talked. He's got the qualities and he will get back to scoring. Him facing Higuain could be determining. Schick is growing, I have to put him on the field so that he grows even more".

"The penalties taker? We always decide who shoots them before but if someone feels to do it during the game he should never be contested. I will choose the players for tomorrow, like I always do. The best defense is enough to win the Scudetto? In the last years Juventus have won winning many games 1-0. In the last games, we've shot a lot on the goal, and Dzeko is the best striker in Serie A. I'm confident, I'm sure we'll do better under that aspect. About the Coppa Italia elimination, I don't want to talk about bad luck, it's wrong. Juventus-Roma will be a difficult game, I hope to live the joy again when we saw the draw signed by Nakata. Roma haven't won in Turin for many years, we'll try to do it. Dzeko with Schick? I won't tell the lineup now. Juventus say Dybala has to grow, so imagine about Schick".

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