Parma, Cassano wants a return: the Gialloblù evaluate the possibility

Last year, there was an agreement with Hellas Verona, but then he had a change of heart and decided to not play. However, Antonio Cassano has now returned, not yet deciding to end his career. At 35 years of age - turning 36 tomorrow - the talent from Bari still wants to play calcio, a year and a half after his farewell to Sampdoria and more than 2 years after his last game in Serie A.

Cassano has proposed himself to Parma, a team in which he has already played for from 2013-2015, scoring 18 goals. The attacker is willing to get back into the game seriously, also emphasizing behavior clauses to avoid the famous "cassanate". An intriguing proposal for Parma executives, who are currently evaluating this possibility.

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