Napoli, Sarri: "There's only Serie A in the players' minds, they are not motivated for the Europa League"

The Scudetto race continues, as Napoli responded to Juventus 1-0 win in the derby by defeating SPAL with the same result. Sarri commented on his team's performace and motivation in the post-match interview with SkySport 24: "I'm satisfied with how the team has played. We went on the pitch with the right spirit, we dominated but we "forgot" to close the game, this is a mistake. We do better in the league than in the Europa League - it's all about motivation. My players have only Serie A in their minds: that can be good for the Scudetto race but bad if we want to improve as a group. It's very difficult for me to motivate my players for competitions other than Serie A. That is because of the atmosphere we live in the city, but we - me and the executives - made a mistake too, we may have brought a wrong messagge across."

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