Marco Tardelli on Torino's Benassi: "He will grow, he could be my successor"

Marco Tardelli, central midfielder of the 1982 World Champion Azzurri team spoke in an interview to Tuttosport. Among the topics discussed was current Italy U21 captain and Torino mid Marco Benassi about whether he could be compared to the hard tackling defensive midfielder, Tardelli: "It's always difficult to make comparisons across past and present, everything is different. But I understand those who see similarities, especially in our tackling and in creating offense from turnovers. But he still lacks some of the defensive game that I had. I grew up in the role of fullback after I was born striker, I marked players like Maradona, Keegan, Platini. And so I ran up ahead to insert myself in the attack. So, if he grows in that and learns to defend too, surely then with him, Baselli, Belotti, I see a very interesting team with a bright future, also for the National team. This Torino is great for the Italian game. Mihajlovic has demanded a lot from them, especially from the ones he considers especially talented and gifted. If he sees quality in you he will force it out. It is his grit. He is one one who never get soft, always in command, he demands an aggressive mindset even when the game is 3-0, like in the last match against Cagliari. Always pressing."


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