Inter, positive meeting with Sampdoria about Skriniar: the latest

Una cena a Roma per discutere su uno dei tanti, ottimi profili messisi in mostra nella bella annata vissuta dalla Sampdoria, per un affare quantomai aperto e A dinner in Rome to discuss about one of the many players involved in that good year for Sampdoria, that lead to a now possible and open deal: the meeting between Sampdoria and Inter for Milan Skriniar, 22-year-old defender, has had a positive end with the discussion ready to go on how could the deal look like and which side-deals to include.

Romei, Sampdoria's lawyer, and Piero Ausilio, Inter's sportive director, are studying other elements to include beside Gianluca Caprari, who belongs to Inter. Massimo Ferrero's club wants, before anything, talk with Marco Giampolo about letting the Slovakian player go away. If he were to leave, they should bring a substitute good enough.

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