Inter, Conte:”Juventus are an example. We are working to catch up to them”

The derby d’Italia between Inter and Juventus is always a special occasion, but this season will also feature Antonio Conte facing his former team. The nerazzurri's manager discussed the two teams during the pre match press conference:"Juventus already has an idea of their style, they are used to winning and has a complete team. On the transfer market, Juventus doesn't replace, they add. They have always improved, the others do the opposite path. There's a huge gap in Italy. We are starting to catch up and are getting closer. But there's a fact- Juventus has 25 players that have won many times. They have caps in Champions League and World Cup"

Conte discussed his team:"We have many good players who can become top performers through work. I have to help ever6 single player. By improving the individual, we increase our chances of reaching our objectives. It's a pleasure to work with these players aside from the results. We are working night and day to get the team to 200km an hour"

Conte was asked about the petition to remove his star from Juventus Stadium:"It's a shame Agnelli had to intervene, he gave importance to a bitter proposal with no values, this way we gave space to ignorant people. I don't want to discuss the subject, the fault is also with the media that give exposure to this situation: this way you encourage hatred and violence" 


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