From Manolas to James Rodriguez: Aurelio De Laurentiis on Napoli's transfer market

Napoli have been very active at the start of this summer's transfer market. After the signing of Di Lorenzo, they are also trying to gift Carlo Ancelotti other reinforcements. The hottest negotiations are those of Manolas and James Rodriguez. Napoli president Aurelio De Laurentiis spoke at an event at the Camera dei Deputati about his club's dealings: "The greatest teams start from the defense and the midfield, Manolas and Koulibaly would form a great duo. Rodriguez? Talking of old news, in the sense that it is already old. No one has told me that it wouldn't go well for us, there is a great relationship between him and Ancelotti. But then there are the agents, the family and Real Madrid. Who lives, sees. We have many negotiations in the balance."

"There are 40 players on the roster, we must organize this. Offers for Allan and Insigne? If an impressive offer arrives for them, I can take it into consideration, otherwise, ten days from the end of the market it can't be done."

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