Former Inter coach Simoni on de Boer:"In Italy if you don't win you're no good"

The sacking of Frank de Boer after just 90 days since he took over at Inter has been the dominating story line in Serie A recently. Former Inter manager Gigi Simoni spoke about the importance of getting results in an interview to Gazzetta dello Sport:"I played with three strikers and an offensive midfielder. For me good defense and getting results were laws, but my teams tried to score and when possible play beautiful football. Today maybe we exaggerate with pragmatism, to get a result we don't even try to play attractive football. Let's use de Boer as an example I often heard him say "Today we were the team that played better"- let's say it's true, what good was that for him if he got so few points? In Italy if you don't get results you're no good period

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