Fiorentina, Pioli remembers Astori: "A privilege to have known him, we miss him more than ever"

Stefano Pioli in the press conference "I think I have something to say, thus avoiding your questions".

There a river of words, full of affection and love for Davide Astori: "To which the first thought goes, I had the good fortune and the privilege to know him closely, he was a special person, a special captain". He has the voice

A crying Pioli, but he does not want to stop: "He always found the right time and way to say things to me and to his companions, a generous, helpful and unselfish person, but I enjoyed it for too little time and I I miss it every day I go to the field ".

The thought, then, can only go to his loved ones: "To Anna, Marco, Renato and Bruno If David was a special person it is because they are special too ... I embrace them and I hope to meet them soon, already tomorrow".

Parentheses aside for the partner, Francesca, and for the little Victoria, who can not grow up with his dad: "For them - Pioli continues - I can not find words that console .. I can make a promise: we will always be with them".

The moment of thanks also comes to the fans first of all: "Sometimes they have a deep and sharp language, but above all a very big heart." In these days I wanted to embrace them one by one to find the strength to go forward. my part also to the whole world of football. A participation so moved and full of solidarity is certainly merit of David, but it also means that, in a world sometimes described differently, there are still principles and noble values. the example of David ".

Finally, ending with the Della Valle brothers who have canceled all kinds of work commitments to stay with the team: "They have distinguished themselves once again for their refinement and availability, they are doing everything to help me and the team. They cried, they cry and they are suffering, Davide was the captain, their point of reference, but we know what to do to honor his memory, I often say to all of them: "Train yourself as if it were the last time." It was the need to say it, and it left us with important lessons not to be able to follow them. The greatest legacy was a seed, that of compactness, union, passion and love for Viola. To guard and protect this seed, to ensure that it can sprout for a better future for all of us, all united in remembrance of David".

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