Baggio:”Super League? Football must change, but they must benefit everyone”

He doesn't speak often, but when he does, Roberto Baggio is never conventional or predictable. The Azzurri legend spoke to Spanish magazine Revista Liberio about the Super League proposal.


 "I believe football needs to change, there is no doubt about it. But the way Super League collapsed so quickly should make people reflect. To get to a hew horizon, you need capable men, with consolidated experience. I would be disappointed if we lost opportunity to create a necessary project, because the world is changing, people and also television are changing"


 Baggio went on:"That being, when thinking about how to improve the Super League project, the only thing that matters is that the benefit is should impact everyone, not just those who came up with the idea. We must create a sporting culture, but we must never forget that football belongs to the people"

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